How To Become Successful On YouTube In 2024 - 8 Steps And 10 Tips

Thinking of starting a YouTube channel in 2024? But can not understand how to do it? No problem, today's article is for you. Nowadays the competition on YouTube is so high that even if you start making good-quality videos, you won't get views because you might not know about some important tips. Now everyone wants to be a YouTuber, some want to be famous, and some want to earn money. But how many of them become successful on YouTube? First, you need to know how realistic and unrealistic the dream of becoming a big YouTuber overnight is. Today we will know totally about that.
How to become a succesfull youtuber

What is YouTube?

We all know more or less about YouTube. YouTube is the world's largest social media video platform. YouTubing is basically earning income from monetization by uploading videos to YouTube and fulfilling the needs of viewers. Those who do YouTubing are called YouTubers. You have to open your own channel on YouTube and upload videos on certain topics regularly. After getting monetized various ads appear at the beginning and in between when interested viewers watch the video. YouTube shares a portion of the revenue from these ads with YouTubers.

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What do you need to start a YouTube channel?

YouTube is a free platform. There is no charge to upload videos here. But making a video requires some essentials. Like camera, microphone, lights, video editing skills, thumbnail-making skills, and laptop or computer. Depending on the type of video you make, these may need more or less. Besides YouTube videos can be made using just a smartphone. I will discuss this in detail in another separate article.

How to start a YouTube channel?

One thing you must keep in mind before starting YouTube is that you will never become a successful YouTuber if you come here just for money and fame. YouTube is a place of tough competition. Hard work and patience must be tested to survive here. This is where you need to provide your value to the people, or else no one will watch your videos. If you give quality content to your audience then they will indirectly give you popularity and money too. So if your target is around your audience then you are welcome in this field. The question here is how to start a YouTube channel. Any steps to follow? Today I will present to you all the steps to start a YouTube channel from my long experience of 5 years.

8 Important Steps to Start YouTubing:

1. Choosing a niche/topic 
2. Creating a channel with a proper name, logo, and banner.
3. Writing scripts for videos
4. Creating thumbnails 
5. Video/audio recording 
6. Video editing 
7. Proper video uploading 
8. Regular video uploading 

1. Find Your Channel's Niche

Niche means a category or specific topic on which your YouTube channel will be built and people will know you based on that topic. So first you need to find your niche. If you are from an outside profession like a teacher, doctor, journalist, politician, or businessman then you don't need to find a new niche. You can present your acquired knowledge of your profession, thoughts, and research to your audience from your previous experience. Along with your career, your goals are also to become successful in this way.

But for those who only want to present themselves by opening a channel on YouTube and want to create a means of income, how should they choose a niche? A lot of success depends on choosing the right niche. 

How many videos can you make about something you don't know much about? Later interest will be the same as the beginning? Or will you start making videos on other topics later? Ask yourself these questions. Find out what your passion is. What you are good at, what no one else among your friends has knowledge about.

Choose a topic on which you can tirelessly make one video after another. If you can't find such a perfect topic then give yourself time. Realize where you find your passion. If you find something like that, don't look away and start. It is also foolish to delay in finding a niche. So take just enough time to come up with a perfect idea on YouTube. Make your content stand out to people. 

2. Open a YouTube Channel 

Starting a YouTube channel is very easy and free. You can open a YouTube channel only if you have a Gmail account. You can easily open the channel using a laptop or mobile from YouTube account options. Upload a logo of your channel and set channel art or channel cover photo. Provide information about your channel, and links properly. You can change these later.

However, when selecting a YouTube channel name, you must choose a name that is simple and easy to remember. Find a unique name based on the type of your video. You can also give your own name but if it is a faceless channel then you can use another representative name.

3. Write The Video Script

A prerequisite for making a good video is writing a script for the video. Scriptwriting is extremely important to plan what will be in the video. Many may not need a script. But you need to write scripts as a beginner. Write a script perfectly by gathering information, data, and research about what the video is going to be about. List what points the video will cover. Cut out unnecessary sentences. Add some fun, quirky words. Easily summarize long topics into fewer sentences. You can use the phone's notepad app or notebook pen. Whichever feels good to you. 

4. Create Thumbnail For Video

You may ask me why to made a thumbnail in the first place bro? It can be made later. I say why... When you are thinking about the topic of the video and preparing the script, you have to think about what the thumbnail of this video will be and what it will look like. Once that is done then your concept will be clear about the video and based on the thumbnail you will follow the next steps, there will be a match between the thumbnail and the video, and the audience will also like it.

So after writing the script, my suggestion is to create the thumbnail of your video. If you are proficient in Photoshop on PC then it is easy for you. But if you don't have a PC then you can make thumbnails only through mobile. Pixlab app is a popular app for creating thumbnails. 

5. Video Or Audio Recording 

After creating the script and thumbnails, the next thing you need to do is to record. If you have opened the faceless channel you need to record audio. And if it's a channel showing your face, you have to record the video. If you're shooting outdoors or indoors, you'll need to use a microphone and set up lighting indoors. Above all, you need to capture a good quality video/audio. Streamline your speech in the video, making sure there is no or little noise in the audio. Properly speaking in front of the camera is a great skill. Not everyone does it well. Everyone has problems at first. Record video confidentially keeping away all fear and shame.

6. Video And Audio Editing 

Editing is the trickiest part of creating your YouTube video. Everyone's editing skills are not the same. The more proficient here, the more advanced he will be. Make your recorded audio sound professional by removing the noise well, and increasing the bass, and treble volume a little. Along with video, audio editing is also very important.

Because no one watches the video if the audio is bad. Audio editing can be done for free using Audacity on PC and Lexis AudioEditer app on mobile. And for video editing professionals can use Adobe Premiere Pro on PC and beginners can use Capcut. Kinemaster and Capcut are two of the best video editing apps for mobile. Use according to your needs. Skill is more important than software in editing. There is a lot to learn here. You will gradually learn how to edit videos perfectly.

7. Video Upload

Uploading videos to YouTube is an important issue. If you don't upload properly here, all your efforts will go in vain and no views will come. Your video title should be catchy. In the description box, you have to give all the necessary information about your video. And use important tags based on which YouTube will suggest your video to a specific audience. You can use the Ahref site for tag or keyword research. Here you will get an idea about what kind of keywords people are searching for the most. Observe what kind of titles your competitors are using. And publish the video after doing everything right. Well, your work is done for now.

8. Upload Videos Regularly

Be sure to regularly upload videos on the same topic or category to your new channel. If you upload videos on different topics, your audience won't be able to trust you on a specific topic. So you must keep this aspect in mind. Another important factor is consistency. Videos must be uploaded regularly to your channel. After uploading a couple of videos if you lost for a month that will not work. At least one or two videos a week should be uploaded in a fixed routine. Otherwise, the chances of ranking your videos will decrease. If you continue like this, once your required subscribers and watch time are full, the door to income from your YouTube channel will open.

What are the ways of income from YouTube channels?

There are several ways to earn from an established YouTube channel. Among them are some ways 

1. Monetization 
2. Sponsorship 
3. Affiliate Marketing 
4. Selling Own Products or Services or Courses 
5. Selling Memberships 
6. Fan Donation 

1. Income From Monetization 

You can apply for monetization if your YouTube channel exceeds 3000 hours of watch time and 500 subscribers and complies with all the rules of Google AdSense policy. Once you get Adsense approval, ads will start running on your videos and you can earn from them

2. Income From Sponsorship

Once your channel becomes fairly popular and you build up a reliable audience, you will receive sponsorship offers for various products or services. Brands usually pay YouTubers to promote their products or services. Tell your audience about their product or service and get them to buy it. This way you will earn a large portion of your income.

3. Affiliate Marketing

You can share various product links in the description box of your video and ask your viewers to buy. If they buy it from your link then you can earn some commission from that e-commerce site. Various e-commerce sites offer affiliate programs. 

4. Selling Own Merchandise

If you are popular with your viewers, you can sell custom-designed t-shirts or different products and books written by you or any special courses. Popular YouTubers basically earn huge income in this way. 

5. Selling Membership

You can create some exclusive content on your channel that is only open to those who have a membership. As a result, your special audience will join as a member of your channel by paying a certain amount and enjoy the special services provided to you.  

6. Fan Donation

This is how gaming YouTubers usually earn. They come to live and play games and chat live with their viewers. Some fans will ask you questions with money and you will answer them. This feature is not yet available in Bangladesh but you can also earn this way with Bikash Number.

How much money can be earned from YouTube? 

How much money YouTubers earn depends on various factors. For example:

1. Channel Size: YouTubers who get more subscribers and views naturally earn more money.
2. Video Type: This is an important point. Not all categories have the same CTR or money per ad. Some videos like tutorials and product reviews, videos about finance or money earn more money.

3. Niche: YouTubers whose channel topics are technology, gaming, beauty, finance, software, etc. usually earn more income despite having fewer views or subscribers than comedy, news, fact, funny, etc. 

How to become successful on YouTube? 10 Tips:

1. Value Provide

Your video should be about work and not about other topics. Now is basically the era of short-form content. People's attention and patience are very low. They will leave the video if they talk off-topic. 

2. Attractive Thumbnails

The first requirement for good views is to create good thumbnails. No matter how good your video is, if people are not impressed by the thumbnail and click, then YouTube will not recommend that video anymore. You will not get more views.

3. Good Intro

State or demonstrate all objectives and outcomes of the video at the beginning of the video. For example, if you are cooking a dish, show what the final dish will look like in the beginning, so your audience will be interested in watching the whole video. Start talking directly to the main topic in videos other than food.

4. Catchy Title

Use titles in your videos that make people curious and want to dig deeper into your video. But don't clickbait.

5. Understand Your Audience's Needs

As a creator, focus on what kind of videos your audience wants to watch. If you want, you can get opinions by polling them in the community tab. And can make videos according to their needs.  

6. Collaborate

If there are YouTubers around you or you know, make videos together, get to know each other's audience, and grow together. Note that there are issues with collaborating with larger YouTubers. Your viewers will definitely subscribe to you but if they are not interested in your videos then your channel will eventually die.

7. Avoid Sub for Sub

I am subscribing to your channel, please subscribe to mine, there is no benefit in increasing subscribers in this way. Rather, the damage is greater.

8. Share Your Video

Share your video with your friends and family and ask them to watch the whole video. Share on other social media too.

9. Check YouTube Analytics

Check regular YouTube analytics to gather information and take action on how a video is performing and what type of video you should make next.

10. Be Patient

Don't go crazy about monetization and subscribers. No one will watch your first 15-20 videos but if you give up midway you will never be successful. So be patient and focus on building a real audience instead of thinking about subscribers and move on. Hope to succeed one day.

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  • Rahat Hasan ✅
    Rahat Hasan ✅ February 02, 2024 11:54 AM

    এটি একটি পরীক্ষামূলক কমেন্ট।

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