10 Mistakes Every New Blogger Makes In 2024

Humans make mistakes. And it is normal for those new to blogging to make mistakes. But to succeed in blogging, you must first identify and correct your mistakes. If you are new to blogging, you might be making these mistakes that you don't know about. If you want to get something in return from blogging then you must avoid these mistakes. Otherwise, success is never possible in this competitive field. Today I will discuss 10 such mistakes in detail.

A new blogger is hopeless after making blogging mistakes

10 Mistakes To Avoid As A New Blogger

1. Publishing AI Generated Content

If you want to start blogging using AI-generated content then this trick will not work anymore. Google is coming right after your website to punish you. Nowadays, everyone has started publishing blogs by using artificial intelligence to create articles in shortcuts. As a result, quality content has started to decrease in Google search results. Copied or translated content and AI-generated content will no longer be indexed as per Google's new policy to address this issue. Google will not show these types of articles in search results. If you started blogging hoping to create AI-generated content, run away, or change your decisions. Google is dropping many big websites down from search results due to writing this AI-generated content.

You can definitely take the help of AI or write articles accordingly with ideas of AI. However, the entire article should not be written with AI. Until recently this trick worked but not anymore.

2. Lack Of Interest In Writing

Blogging is basically a world of written content. Here you have to survive by writing. People are publishing millions of articles every day and if you sit down without writing articles then you will never be successful.

That's why I say blogging is only for thinkers because they are constantly thinking and putting them into writing. It will be difficult for you to retain an interest in writing about a particular topic if you have not gained deep experience in that topic. Then you will lose motivation.

So before starting blogging, you must come up with an experience based on which you can work for a long time. Many new bloggers have lost interest in writing and quit blogging for this reason.

3. Inconsistency And Lack Of Patience

Blogging is a platform where success is impossible without consistency and patience. If you post for a while and then you don't post for a long time and suddenly come back and post, I'd say you won't see success like this. To be successful here, you must be patient and write consistently. I'm not asking you to write every day. But at least publish two to three articles per week. Because the competition is so high nowadays. Many new bloggers are coming into this field and constantly posting and taking away all the traffic.

Another important requirement for success in blogging is patience. You cannot succeed in blogging without being a patient person. Because it is not an overnight game. People who preach that they have made a lot of money overnight in blogging are frauds. Because if someone knows such tricks, why would he tell anyone?

Many people come to this field Influenced by the words of such frauds but lose patience and leave blogging. So if you are a new blogger then I advise you to forget dreaming of overnight success. Dream of working hard and succeeding as in reality.

4. Not Picking Right Niche

Niche is an important factor on which the majority of your success depends. It is not possible to get something from this field unless you can choose the right niche. Otherwise, after some time you will feel lost. And you will not get any kind of ideas to write new content.

Besides not all niches give equal income. Some niches earn more and some niches less. One should not select a niche because of the temptation of earning more. You also need to consider what the competition is like in that niche. You should choose a niche based on your personal experience, competition, market value, etc. New bloggers mostly start working with many broad niches but at this time it is very difficult to work with broad niches. I would suggest starting blogging in a specific small niche by doing keyword research.

5. Copying Other's Content

If you have a tendency to copy other's posts then I would say you have no need to enter the blogging field. Copy-paste blogging success is just a daydream. Google will not index copied, translated, AI-generated content or show it in search results. So forget the idea of copying. Try to write genuine content based on your own experience. Only by writing genuine content, you can achieve success.

6. Neglecting The SEO

Blogging is not done just by writing and publishing articles. Apart from writing articles, a successful blogger should also have an understanding of on-page, off-page, and technical SEO. SEO is a field where the more you know, the more you benefit. There is no end to SEO. You need to make the best use of SEO to rank in search results. While writing the article, should be written according to the rules of SEO. Images should be optimized before uploading so that they load faster. Also, your webpage should be indexed using the Google Search Console tool. SEO has endless different strategies. Link building should be done through technical SEO and backlinks should be created by guestposting.

SEO is a huge topic to discuss. If you want to learn more you can read this...What is SEO and how to do and learn SEO?

7. Not Choosing The Right Theme

Most of the time we choose the wrong theme when we first come to blogging. But this is a fatal mistake. A good theme has important implications for success in blogging. Google currently prefers themes that have schema or structure data attached to them for indexing. Usually, the latest themes have these schemas.

Also, your theme should be lightweight. If your website takes a long time to load and the user gets bored with it, then your site will not be user-friendly in the eyes of Google and you will not be able to rank further.

Your theme should have a performance score of 90+ and the theme should be SEO friendly. And the functionality of the theme should work as usual. Your theme must also be mobile-responsive. Having all these features is a good theme. If your theme has not these then it's time to change your theme.

If you are looking for a perfect theme for Blogger you can read this article...Best Free Template For Blogger in 2024

8. Not Using Top Level Domain And Hosting

If you have started blogging on Blogger then you must use a top-level custom domain. Because the (.blogspot) sub-domain is no longer user-friendly. Be sure to buy a top-level domain. Because Google doesn't have any domain priority but readers do. Making your domain look professional will attract readers and increase your click-through rate.

If you are blogging on WordPress then you need to use a top-level domain as well as a good hosting service. It is wise to use a secure and fast hosting service. You can buy hosting from those hosting service platforms that provide good fast servers, secure connections, and fast customer service. Buying good hosting will solve overloading issues on your site. And your site can handle large amounts of traffic without going down.

9. Just Focusing On AdSense Approval

As soon as newbies start blogging, they go crazy about Adsense. But you should first drive traffic to your site and provide value to your readers. Otherwise how much money will you earn from Adsense with a little traffic? If your blog gets 100-200 daily traffic then it will take you a year to earn 50 dollars. So there is no point in running like mad after Adsense. First, you need to maintain the quality of your website's content and focus on increasing traffic.

10. Not Doing Keyword Research

Writing posts without doing keyword research is the biggest mistake. Because keyword research gives an idea of what else to mention in the article related to that keyword to write a self-contained article. Also, if you research what keywords people are searching for the most in your niche and how the competition is, it becomes much easier to take steps accordingly.

Keyword research is an important step in blogging. If you skip this, you will miss many opportunities and have no idea what your mistakes and shortcomings are.

So for new bloggers, it is important to do keyword research before writing articles and it does not require much time.


Finally, a new blogger needs to be patient. Blogging is something that takes a long time to become successful. Some blogs take one to two years to become successful. So don't be disappointed here before a minimum of six months. Succeeding in blogging requires long-term patience.

Many bloggers fool us with the lure of overnight success in blogging through YouTube videos. What they claim is completely false. So, without falling prey to these fraud bloggers, you have to come to this field with a lot of patience and stick to it. Then one day success will come surely.

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